Occasionally, your child may be unable to have their teeth fixed while awake. The decision to surgically restore him/her to a baseline of oral health is a multi-factorial one that will include your input. Other treatment options include Silver Diamine Fluoride, temporary restorations, or waiting for better cooperation (time) while focusing on prevention.

If together, we decide that surgery is the best option, we want to remind you that your child’s SAFETY and wellbeing is our most important consideration. It will be a big day, and hopefully over before your know it. We thank you for partnering with us as we focus on many details that will bring the best outcome for your child. When in doubt… ASK!
- Day of Surgery Reminders
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Answers to Common Concerns of Parents
- Post Op Instructions
“Hi Dr. Hill: Wanted to shoot you a quick note to say thank you for taking good care of our little man. He woke up yesterday after the procedure, and though he was certainly a bit crabby, he calmed down after about 5-10 minutes. After a rough car ride home, he slept for another hour, and then ate like there was no tomorrow; today he’s running around playing like he always does.” ~ Adrian Santangelo